Our newest product, the Valley Oak Broadfork is a big hit
with our Customers. Here is what they have to say...
"As a 59 year old woman of small stature and crummy knees, I had just about
decided my days with the turning fork were numbered. My soil is gravelly creekbed and turning it over each year was back-breaking.
This year, with my four-tine broadfork, I had no trouble digging my beds and planting all my spring vegetables in one day!
Rayann Hickey
Hartsville Tennessee
hard-pan creating, petroleum driven, worm pulverizing mechanized monster has been effectively replaced by this simple tool
that maximizes human effort and works with nature… The ease with which one can significantly improve soil composition
to a depth of 12" is remarkable."
(Click Here for complete testimonial)
Lucas Smith Boone, NC
"The engineering is superb as is the quality fo the materials and workmanship... I
wouldn't trade it for anything I've used in the past to work up a seed bed."
(Click Here for complete testimonial)
Ted Mattson
"It’s just dandy – I just used it to turn the beds for my potatoes and it
worked great."