The Broadfork:
New: Hiller Attachment for the Wheel Hoe
Hiller Attachment for the Valley Oak Wheel Hoe |

Make a Comeback
"Seemingly a thing of the past, wheel hoes are making a comeback. Attachments
[cultivator, furrower] can turn it into a Swiss army knife garden tool." -- Washington Post
No herbicides or
fossil fuels needed!
"I LOVE the wheel hoe. It is the greatest tool. It ZIPS down the long
rows like magic and is so easy to use. You have a great product."
Annie Rockwell Parlow Mill Farm Marion, MA
To see the wheel hoe in action, click here.
Visit Our New Store To Order

Wheel hoe with the pneumatic tire option. |

CSA worker in Chico, California, uses the wheel hoe with steel wheel option. |
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